目前分類:我的隨想錄 (22)

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There’s a monster in each and every one of us.


A monster that’s capable of destruction.

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  • Mar 29 Tue 2011 16:44
  • 我愛




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I am a fan of facebook and twitter but never a big fan. I was never a heavy user, but I use it often enough to sustain a certain amount of web presence. So I do exist in the virtual world, but I just simply exist. I’d probably only caused a small blip on the radar screen once in a while. Enough to be noticed if you look hard enough and will probably be missed if you happened to blink too many times.

I never could quite understand why would anyone be interested in what I do, like “I am now waiting for a bus” or “I am on my way to work”. Alright, maybe I could make this a wee bit more interesting.

“I am now waiting for a bus, but the waiting has gone on for the past 30 min” or

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I had never been known to be interesting and fun. But neither am I boring and mundane. Never too interesting and never too boring. It’s a so-called “neither here nor there”

I am not a herd follower but neither am I a trend setter. Again, I fall into the “neither here nor there” category. You are somewhere but you are not quite somewhere and neither are you nowhere. It’s kinda paradoxical but that’s just the way I am I guessed.

I blog, but never too much to be able to sustain an interest among readers. Just like you come onto a site everyday and there’s nothing new, and nothing updated, sooner or later, you just stopped coming onto the site, even if there’s something new, you’ll probably not know. Why? Because you are tired of coming onto the site and never seeing anything new, you basically lost interest I guessed.

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上個星期看了Step Up 3,《舞力全開》,看完後真的是振奮人心,就很想當場來個breaking,後空翻什麽的。啊,可是我的老骨頭已經是不行了,一個不小心從沙發上站起來都搞不好會閃到腰。雖然沒辦像電影裏面的男女主角跳得那麽厲害,不過至少看完電影之後,大大地激勵我去追求我的熱忱,也就是音樂。這個電影講就是有夢想就不要放棄,要勇敢去追求。其實電影題材很簡單,故事内容也沒什麽特別,不過我就是喜歡電影帶給觀衆的震撼力。你看完之後,不可能沒有感覺。即便你是個舞蹈白吃,可是這部電影的主題就是勇於追求夢想,跟你會不會跳舞沒很大的關係。


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Inception: Spinning Totem

After spending countless hours pouring through the many different interpretations, analysis and theories of “Inception” online and also watching the movie for the second time, I have arrived at my own conclusion and interpretation of the whole movie.

But I will definitely not lay claim to having fully comprehend the movie. I guessed the beauty of Chris Nolan’s movie is that it’s opened to many interpretations and there’s no right or wrong in anybody’s interpretations as long as it make sense with no clear loop holes.

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我最近很少用中文寫作了,不過我都沒在閑著。我幫我們教會的報章City News 寫了一篇文章。借po過來這好了。



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Recently found myself thinking and conversing more in English. One big factor in the change is because of my girlfriend. We converse in English 99% of the time, with the rare occasion of trying to intersperse some Chinese words or sentences during our predominantly English conversation.



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What price to pay…for the anointing for success? Our lives…for God.


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The beauty of testimonies...it never fails to inspire.

I love hearing testimonies of how people who triumph over odds heavily stacked against them. And the beauty of it all is...these people are ordinary people to start with, nobody gave them any real chance of success, some not even given a second look. But with belief and hardwork...and of course by the grace of God, success is achieved out of the ordinary, against the backdrop of doubt.

That's why testimonies are such powerful tools, because it never fails to inspire.

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Seeing is believing only when we see with an unadulterated mind.

Sometimes people choose not to believe still even when they see something happening right in front of their own eyes. Because in their mind, they have already decided what they want to believe.

Alas, these people live in denial.

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When you believe in someone, you empower him to greater achievement. It is just a simple believe in someone, that provides the motivation and impetus to excel beyond what he usually can.

And that applies to self too. When you believe that you can, there is really nothing that will stop you from achieving beyond yourself. It’s such a powerful tool and none too difficult to wield and in the process empowering someone.

We need more people to believe in us, and we need to believe in others more, and we definitely need to have more self belief, because that is what will carry us through to a place of greater achievements.

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It is not e fear of sharing that one choose to keep silent but for e fear of being misunderstood


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